Page 50 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 50

HARSEN’S ISLAND                                                            Enjoy the nature and lake breezes
                                                                                    Don’t rush around when visiting!

                                                                                       on this rural quiet island.

            for a long
      tion - HARSEN’S ISLAND
            bike rides

                                                                  ows Golf and  keep them off the island so we can re-
                                                                  Little Camille’s  turn the lights to their luster.
                                                                  by the  Green.        Please visit our website,  www.
                                                                  All were a suc-  or  find  us  on
                                                                  cess and fun  Facebook to  learn more and  stay  in
         Cont. from Page 8                                        times had with  tuned  with  our  efforts.  We  look  for-
         South Channel Lights Update          old and new friends to SOSCL.       ward to 2023 season and making more
         said Michael.   MJR painted the shed       One big road block in our efforts  progress. Thanks for your support!
         for materials  only, and donated their  is from late April to about late August.   Michael Rice of MJR Painting
         time and labor.  Thank you!          The lights are visited by migrating birds   pulling out all the stops to get the
              In addition to the construction work  from as far away as Argentina called the   out buildings painted.
         on  the island,  the SOSCL crew  at-  Common Tern.  They use the grounds
         tended many events around the area  as a nesting place to raise their young.
         fundraising  and spreading  the history  Holding events or doing tours for fund-
      RESORT destina                                                  to   seek
         of the Lights. We also held our second  raising have been halted since they are
         Annual Golf Outing at Michigan Mead-
                                              aggressive and mean.  We  have  tried
                                                                      ter these
                                                                      birds from

              FISH - HUNT - EXPORE - RELAX on our Island

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