Page 94 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 94

Downtown New Baltimore

           Beach • Park • 16 Free Public Boat Wells • Fishing Pier• Boardwalk

                                                                                           All new playground!
                                                                                            Pier & Boardwalk
                                Take advantage of                                       Beach & Waterfront Park
                          your closest natural resource                              Year Round Festivals & Events
                             - beautiful Lake St. Clair                                    Restaurants - Bars
                     the base of our walkable unique town                             Unique Shopping Experience



                                            ST. CLAIR
                 ROMEO       Downtown
                                    24 MINUTES      Things Not to Miss When Visiting!
                           New Baltimore
                      26 MINUTES
                                     19 MINUTES MARINE      If you’re lucky to live in New Balti-   If you are a visitor, or new to the
                   24 MINUTES                      more, the local Anchor Bay Cham-  area, the following should help you
               TWP.                  18 MINUTES     ber of Commerce can assist you  make some very crucial entertain-
                35 MINUTES  22 MINUTES   ALGONAC    with many services for your daily  ment decisions to make the most
                                                    life. Located on the main road run-
                                                                                     of your time in town.  Such as first
                                                    ning through town M29 (where 23  thing, where to park your car or boat
                                                    Mile Road officially ends and turns  to get the party started!
                    ST. CLAIR SHORES
         ROYAL                                      into Green Street).  The Chamber       There is plenty of street park-
                   A short drive for a                     is in the same building as  ing around town.  Page 102 shows
                 weekday or weekend                        Davis-Vandenbossche  the “Social District” where the ma-
                                                           Insurance pg. 96 and next  jority of downtown’s activities and
              lunch, dinner, or shopping                   door to  the  always busy  services for visitors are located.  To
                                                           Biggby Coffee pg. 100.    not get dehydrated while initially
                                                                                     Cont. Page 96

                                                             - 16 free public boat wells -

                                                             SEE PAGE 103 FOR
                                                              EVENT SCHEDULE

        Page 94                   The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of information contained herein
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