Page 14 - 共同研究R3 数理 黒田_Neat
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ྩ 3 ೋࠃؒަྲྀࣄۀ ڞಉݚڀʻਃ༰ʼ
૬खࠃଆݚڀදऀͷΈͷܦྺɺओཁݚڀۀΛ 1 ทҎͰهࡌ͍ͯͩ͘͠͞ɻᶄʙᶆʹ͍ͭͯɺਃ՝
ͷ༰ʹݶΔ͜ͱͳ͘ɺ࠷ۙ 5 ͔Λத৺ʹ૬खࠃଆݚڀදऀ͕த৺తͳׂΛՌͨͨ͠ͷͷΈهࡌͯ͘͠
ᶃ ૬खࠃଆݚڀදऀͷܦྺʢ࠷ऴֶҐऔಘେֶɺֶҐ໊ɺऔಘٴͼओͳܦྺʣ
ᶄ ֶज़ࡶࢽʢلཁɾจूؚΉʣʹൃදͨ͠จຢஶॻ
※ ࠪಡͷ༗ແΛ۠ͯ͠هࡌ͍ͯͩ͘͠͞ɻࠪಡͷ༗ແʹؔΘΒͣɺҹࡁຢ࠾ܾఆࡁͷͷʹݶΓ·͢ɻࠪ
※ ஶऀ໊ʢશһͷࢯ໊ΛɺจͱಉҰͷॱ൪ʹه͍ͯͩ͘͠͞ɻʣɺ໊ɺܝࡌࢽ໊ɺר߸ɺ։࢝ทʵ࠷ऴทɺൃߦ
ᶅ ֶज़ࡶࢽຢۀࢽʹ͓͚Δղઆɺ૯આ
ᶆ ಛڐɾडྺ
1997 άϧϊʔϒϧ INP ଔۀ(ֶֶ࢜)
2001 ʮII-VI ಋମྔࢠυοτͷޫֶεϖΫτϧʯͷݚڀʹΑΓֶҐऔಘ(άϧϊʔϒϧେֶ)ɻ
2002-2003 ӳࠃ Southampton େͰಋମυοτൃޫͷίώʔϨϯτ੍ޚͷݚڀʹैࣄ(Prof. J. J. Baumberg)ɻ
2003 άϧϊʔϒϧେ͓Αͼ CNRS ͷݚڀһʹணɻҎޙɺಋମυοτͷεϐϯؔ࿈ੑͷݚڀʹैࣄɻ
2008 ωʔϧݚڀॴ(CNRS άϧϊʔϒϧ) ͷݚڀһʹணɻ
2012 ڭतࢿ֨Λ֫ಘ (άϧϊʔϒϧɾΞϧϓେ)ɻ2015 CNRS ओݚڀһɻݱࡏʹࢸΔɻ
ᶄçݪஶจ (ͯࠪ͢ಡ༗) (ç 1~4, 6, 8~10 ຊଆදऀͷۀͱॏෳ)
1. V. Tiwari, K. Makita, M. Arino, M. Morita, T. Crozes, E. Bellet-Amalric, S. Kuroda, H. Boukari, L.
Besombes, “Radio-frequency stress-induced modulation of CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots”, J. Appl. Phys. 127,
234303 (2020).
2. V. Tiwari, K. Makita, M. Arino, M. Morita, S. Kuroda, H. Boukari, and L. Besombes, “Influence of
nonequilibrium phonons on the spin dynamics of a single Cr atom”, Phys. Rev. B 101, 035305 (2020).
3. L. Besombes, H. Boukari, V. Tiwari, A. Lafuente-Sampietro, S. Kuroda, K. Makita, “Optical control of an
individual Cr spin in a semiconductor quantum dot”, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 34, 063001 (2019).
4. L. Besombes, H. Boukari, V. Tiwari, A. Lafuente-Sampietro, M. Sunaga, K. Makita, and S. Kuroda, "Charge
fluctuations of a Cr atom probed in the optical spectra of a quantum dot", Phys. Rev. B 99, 035309 (2019).
5. V. N. Kats, A. V. Platonov, G. E. Tsyrlin, A. D. Buravlev, A. Delga, L. Besombes, H. Mariette, V. P.
Kochereshko, "Polarization Spectroscopy of an Isolated Quantum Dot and an Isolated Quantum Wire", Phys.
Solid State 60, 2623-2627 (2018).
6. A. Lafuente-Sampietro, H. Utsumi, M. Sunaga, K. Makita, H. Boukari, S. Kuroda, L. Besombes, "Dynamics
of a Cr spin in a semiconductor quantum dot: Hole-Cr flip-flops and spin-phonon coupling" , Phys. Rev. B
97, 155301 (2018).
7. A. Lafuente-Sampietro, H. Boukari, L. Besombes, "Resonant photoluminescence and dynamics of a hybrid
Mn hole spin in a positively charged magnetic quantum dot", Phys. Rev. B 95, 035303 (2017).
8. A. Lafuente-Sampietro, H. Utsumi, H. Boukari, S. Kuroda, L. Besombes, "Resonant optical control of the
spin of a single Cr atom in a quantum dot", Phys. Rev. B 95, 035303 (2017) (Editors’ Suggestion).
9. A. Lafuente-Sampietro, H. Utsumi, H. Boukari, S. Kuroda, L. Besombes, “Spin dynamics of an individual Cr
atom in a semiconductor quantum dot under optical excitation”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 053103 (2016).
10. A. Lafuente-Sampietro, H. Utsumi, H. Boukari, S. Kuroda, L. Besombes, “Individual Cr atom in a
semiconductor quantum dot: Optical addressability and spin-strain coupling”, Phys. Rev. B 93, 161301(R)
11. V. P. Kochereshko, … L. Besombes (23໊த3൪), … A. Kavokin, "Lasing in Bose-Fermi mixtures", Sci.
Rep. 6, 20091 (2016).
12. A. Lafuente-Sampietro, H. Boukari, L. Besombes, "Strain-induced coherent dynamics of coupled carriers
and Mn spins in a quantum dot", Phys. Rev. B 92, 081305 (2015).
13. L. Besombes, H. Boukari, C. Le Gall, A. Brunetti, C. L. Cao, S. Jamet, B. Varghese, "Optical control of the
spin of a magnetic atom in a semiconductor quantum dot", Nanophotonics, 4, 75-89 (2015).
1. L. Besombes, C. Le Gall, H. Boukari and H. Mariette, “Dynamics and optical control of an individual Mn
spin in a quantum dot”, Chapter 12 of « Quantum Dots -Optics, Electron transport and future Applications »
Edited by Alexander Tartakovski - Cambridge University press (2012) (ࠪಡແ)
1. Jacques Herbrand Prize (ϑϥϯεՊֶΞΧσϛʔ 2008)