Page 6 - Kelas X Bahasa Inggris BS press
P. 6
Text Language Topic-Related Skill
Chapter KD Social Function
Structure Feature Activites Focus
1 3.1 Introducing Transac- - Vocabulary: name, - Introducing Liste ning,
Talking about 4.1 and mentioning tional text: family relation- oneself, parents, Reading
Self identity to Opening; ship, jobs, friends. friends Speaking
develop exchange - Grammar: - Writing an e-mail Writing
interactional (talking Pronouns
communication about iden-
with others tity); closing
2 3.2 Congratulating Transac- - Vocabulary: - Using different Reading
Congratulating 4.2 and tional text: words related ways of Speaking
and complimenting Opening; to adjectives developing Writing
Complimenting to develop exchange and the topic, interaction with
Others interactional (congratu- congrotulating teachers, friends,
communication lating and and family members,
with others compli- complementing especially, by
menting); expressions congratulating
closing - Grammar: and
simple past, complimenting
present perfect, others
present perfect
3 3.3 Telling and Transac- - Vocabulary: - Talking about Speaking
Expressing 4.3 asking about tional text: names of intentions of Reading
Intentions intentions Opening; recreational doing weekend/ writing
of doing exchange facilities, holiday holiday/school
something (talking and school activities and
to develop about activities. school projects
interactional intentions); - Grammar: would
communication closing like, be going to
with others
4 3.4 Describing Descriptive - Vocabulary: - Understanding Speaking
Which One is 4.4.1 or presenting text (iden- words related descriptions Reading
Your Best Get- 4.4.2 information tification, to ecotourism of ecotourism writing
away? about a description) destinations and destinations
particular place historical building and historical
and a historical - Grammar: noun building and
building phrases (structure describing them.
of modification)