Page 104 - Kelas XII Bahasa Inggris BS press
P. 104


                        Task 1: Let's do the exercise.
                        Here   are  some   preliminary exercises before      you   do  the

                        listening task. Do each instruction below.

                 1.  Spend a minute or two writing down waste that you produce from

                     your daily activities.

                            •  plastic bottles           •  ……………………
                            •  ………………….                  •  ....…………………

                            •  ………………….                  •  …..………………...

                 2.  Compare the list to your classmates’. What is the common waste
                     that you produce?

                                food  leftovers?
                                fruit  skin?
                                woodened    stuff?
                              Plastic bottles, bags, glasses?

                 3.  Make   questions based    on  the  data  above.  (Your questions can
                     be  related  to  how  to  live  a  more  efficient  life  with  less waste,
                     how environmentally dangerous your waste to the environment,
                     or how to recycle the waste, etc.).

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