Page 97 - Kelas XII Bahasa Inggris BS press
P. 97
Direct sentence Indirect sentence
_______________________ Riki Setyanto, one of the parents,
_______________________ said that he had registered his
_______________________ daughter for enrollment at state
_______________________ vocational high school SMKN 47
_______________________ Jakarta, but she then got rejected
_______________________ due to the minimum height policy
applied by the state-run school.
“First my daughter was ___________________________
rejected because of her ___________________________
height, and now due to ___________________________
technical issues, she can’t ___________________________
register at any school. I just ___________________________
want to get her into a good ___________________________
school,” he said. ___________________________
________________________ Nuraisyah Paransa, another
________________________ parent, also said that she was
________________________ unable to register her son at
________________________ any state-run high school due to
________________________ similar technical problems.
“But the second school _________________________
rejected him because it _________________________
said that he had been _________________________
accepted through the _________________________
public admission phase. _________________________
Since my son did not re- _________________________
register at the first school, _________________________
now he isn’t registered _________________________
anywhere,” Aisyah said. _________________________
Chapter 6 89