Page 118 - NUML Annual SDGs Report 2021-22
P. 118

NUML ANNUAL SDGs Report 2021- 22

                   Visit of Representative of Eastern European Universities Association
                   Representative of Eastern European Universities Association - Ms. Ella Urtaeva visited NUML
                   on July 26, 2021. She discussed with Pro-Rector R&SI Division-NUML Dr. Muhammad Zubair
                   Iqbal possible collaborations between Russian State Universities and NUML.
                   Visit of Representatives of Azerbaijan University of Languages

                   Deputy Head of Department of International Relations  - Mr. Anar Rahimov, Azerbaijan
                   University of Languages (Azerbaijan) visited NUML on August 17, 2021. He discussed with
                   Pro-Rector  R&SI  Division-NUML  Dr.  Muhammad  Zubair  Iqbal  possible  collaboration
                   opportunities   between
                   the  two  Universities.  Dr.
                   Sofia Lodhi (Dean, Faculty
                   of   Languages)    also
                   attended the meeting.

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