Page 96 - NUML Annual SDGs Report 2021-22
P. 96

NUML ANNUAL SDGs Report 2021- 22

                   GOAL 13: CLIMATE ACTION

                   Climate Action Plan

                   To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with the goal of carbon neutrality, Research
                   and Strategic Initiative (R&SI) devised Climate Action Plan. The University recognizes that
                   sustainability  demands  progress  on  multiple  fronts  and  that  lasting  change  cannot  be
                   achieved without coordinated efforts campus-wide.

                   The plan is based on following indicators:

                           Energy-efficient buildings and its renovation
                           Upgradation of buildings to higher energy efficiency
                           Carbon reduction and emission reduction process
                           Reduction of energy consumption
                           Energy wastage identification
                           Renewable energy pledge
                           Fossil fuel divestment

                   Talk on Environmental Protection: Lessons from
                   Denmark’s Experience

                   Department  of  International  Relations  organized
                   lecture of H.E.Ms. Lis Rosenholm, Denmark Ambassador
                   to  Pakistan  on  the  topic  ‘Denmark  –  Frontrunner  in
                   Global Climate Action’ on November 11, 2021.

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