Page 110 - NUML Annual SDGs Report 2022-23
P. 110

Goal 12:

               Responsible Consumption

               and Production

               Social Action Projects (SAP)

                                          The      ‘Department     of           Following are the projects initiated by the students:
                                          Governance     and    Public
                                          Policy’  (G&PP)  is  running            Made in Pakistan for Sustainable Growth
                                          two-credit  hour  community             Tourism for Sustainable Development
                                          building    and    welfare-             Water for Smart Community Building
                                          oriented  program,  “Social             Food Insecurity and Malnutrition
                                          Action Project” (SAP). Under            Cyber Security for Youth
                                          the  program,  students  have           Energy  Conservation  and  Efficiency  (Energy
                                          to work in teams to design a              Conservation Club)
                                          social project to be executed           Environmental Parliament at NUML
               in  the  community  for  the  citizens  and  share  their
               experience  with  their  class  fellows  and  teacher.  The        Water Wise (Save Water, Save Life)
               Projects  (SAP)  are  based  on  youth-led  outreach  and          NUML Digital Skills Society
               awareness  campaigns,  community  service  initiatives  in         Online Education in Youth
               accordance  with  the  United  Nations  Sustainable                Cyber Education for Students
               Development Goals (SDGs). Students form teams called               Anti-Bullying Club
               ‘SDG Scouts’ to work on selected SDGs.                             NUML Electric Vehicle (EV) Club
                                                                                  Smart Sustainable Cities (SSC)
               The  Scouts  organize  awareness  campaigns  and
               community service initiatives in the context of SDGs. There        Youth  Navigators  (Career  Counseling  for
               is  a  ‘SDG  Ambassadors  Program’  to  strengthen                   Technical and Vocational Education)
               partnerships in context of the Goals; students of academic         Prospects of Blue Economy through CPEC: Issues &
               institutions can get enrolled in the program.                        Challenges.

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