Page 129 - NUML Annual SDGs Report 2022-23
P. 129

Goal 15:

               Life on Land

               Cleanliness Campaign with HCF

               The  ‘Electrical  Engineering  Department’  in  collaboration  with  “Human  Care
               Foundation” (HCF) arranged a Cleanliness Campaign on October 2, 2022 for
               the awareness of youth and citizens of Islamabad. An interactive session on
               the  wildlife  and  biological  diversity  of  Margalla  Hills  (Islamabad)  was
               conducted  to  highlight  the  importance  of  a  clean  environment  among  the
               masses and to seek their support for a healthy environment. Afterward, more
               than  twenty-five  students  participated  in  the  cleanup  effort  on  Trail-5  of
               Margalla Hills.

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