Page 146 - NUML Annual SDGs Report 2022-23
P. 146

MoU with Plus W, Tokyo

               NUML and ‘Plus W’, Tokyo (Japan) signed an MoU on December 16, 2022. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide
               job  opportunities  with  Japanese  Corporations  for  NUML  students/alumni  and  arrangement  of  customized  Japanese
               language learning programs. The MoU was signed by the Director General-NUML - Brigadier Syed Nadir Ali and Head
               of Japan Centre Mr. Kango Hayashi.

               MoU with Institute of Cost Management and Accountants

               Pakistan (ICMAP)

               NUML and the ‘Institute of Cost Management and
               Accountants Pakistan’ (ICMAP) signed an MoU on
               December  29,  2022.  The  purpose  of  this
               memorandum is to facilitate student / alumni /
               faculty  members  /  staff  in  their  Continuous
               Professional  Development  Programs  through
               various initiatives and also to provide practical
               training in various fields of Accounts and Finance.

               The MoU was signed by the
               Director General-NUML - Brigadier Syed Nadir
               Ali and President-ICMA - Mr. Shahzad Ahmad

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