Page 59 - NUML Annual SDGs Report 2022-23
P. 59

Visit to the Ministry of Water Resources

               Students of the ‘Governance and Public Policy
               (G&PP)  Department’  visited  the  “Ministry  of
               Water Resources” on May 26, 2022 to conduct
               an interview of Deputy Secretary – Mr. Sharjeel
               Saeed.    He  explained  the  reasons  for  the
               current  water  shortage  in  Pakistan.  The  main
               reasons  being  inability  to  store  water,
               infrastructure  issues,  overall  human  behavior,
               political instability and thinking of water as a
               challenge rather than a commodity that needs
               to be taken care of.

               Students briefed about their project, ‘Water for
               Smart  Community  Building’  and  shared  the

               Visit to the Capital Development Authority

               Students of the ‘Governance and Public Policy (G&PP) Department’ visited the “Capital Development Authority” (CDA) on
               June 01, 2022 to conduct an interview of Deputy Director General – Mr. Sardar Khan Zimri. He shared the details of all
                                                                                     the recent changes that have been implemented
                                                                                     in  Islamabad  to  help  improve  the  draining
                                                                                     underground levels and to provide the required
                                                                                     water for the inhabitants of Islamabad.

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