Page 14 - Parent Handbook HTML
P. 14

As part of our duty of care we need to know the whereabouts of your child during the time that they are not at school or college.
If you child is at boarding school we will be in touch with you for the following information for planned breaks:
Where your child is planning to spend the break / holiday
If they are staying in the UK with friends or a family member the full contact details of the person that they are staying with, including name/ address / email / telephone number
If your child is travelling home, the flight details including flight number, departure and arrival airport and the arrival time of the flight in the UK
If you would like us to book transport for your child we will provide the details of the driver and their phone number, the time and place of pick up. If there are any problems with these arrangemeNts your child will need to get in touch with College Guardians on 07513 106451
If your child is staying with one of our host families we will arrange transport to and from the host’s house
College Guardians will confirm all arrangements with your child, parents and the school that the child attends
If your child is travelling they will need their passport, BRP card ( if they have one) a fully charged mobile phone and some money or a credit card.
If your child has any problems when travelling they need to let College Guardians know.

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