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College Guardians on call number: +44 (0)7513 106451
We have a team of regional staff based across the UK who, depending on where your child will be going to school or college will be your College Guardians contact. We are looking forward to meeting you soon and will let you have the name and contact details of your local regional team member. Our role as your Educational Guardian is to support your child through their journey of study during their time in the UK. The most important message that we would like to share with you is:
“If there Is anything at all that you are worried or concerned about with regards to your child PLEASE ASK – it doesn’t matter how small this may seem, we are here to help you every step of the way.
We can’t help you if we don’t know what the problem is!"
If you have chosen our Premium service this means that your child will be staying with a host family for some of the school breaks. Your child will have been given a copy of our “Guide to staying with a host family”. We will ensure that you as parents or carers have a copy of this so that you have a clear understanding of the role of the host and how this fits with our service.
college that your child will be attending want to ensure that they make the most of their time in the UK. If you believe that your child needs help and support and they are not asking for this please do let us know.
If you have chosen the Standard service, this means that you do not require a host family. We understand that living and studying in another country, away from home should be an exciting time for your children but they may also find it challenging at times.
When your child first arrives at the school or college they are joining it may feel very daunting for them and also for you as parents. This is quite normal, speaking from personal experience often the parents find it more difficult than the children! Within the boarding house will be the House Master or Mistress and House Assistants or Matrons. If you are living in college Halls of Residence there will be staff on hand to help you with any questions that you may have, please don’t be afraid to ask.
Both College Guardians and the school or