Page 3 - Parent Handbook HTML
P. 3
Settling into a new way of life in the UK at school or college may not always be easy for your children and it may be the case that at first they feel home sick. This is quite normal and do rest assured that lots of children feel like this when they first come to the UK. Some of course won’t have any problems at all. When your children are first away from their friends and family it can be hard for them to cope and they may be contacting you frequently. If you feel that they are upset or sad please let us know so that we can talk to them and also let the staff at the school or college know. It’s quite usual for your child to feel like this and from experience these feelings will pass as they adapt to their
new environment. Make sure that you keep in touch with your child, it’s sometimes a good idea to suggest that they call or SKYPE you in their own time. This may well be part of their coping strategy, but of course we do understand that it can be difficult for parents at home waiting for a call. The school / college will be keeping your child busy and they may not have much time to call so please try not to worry if you don’t hear from them. Please also remember that some schools will have strict rules around when children are allowed to use their phones (this is particularly the case for younger children) so it may not always be easy for your children to get in touch.
Depending on if you are accompanying your child to the UK or they are travelling alone, here are some practicable tips to follow that may help when you / they first arrive in the UK.
Depending on where you are studying your transportation will be different: ·
You may travelling with your child to the UK and accompanying them to school or college
If your child is travelling alone their school or college may have arranged transport to meet them at the airport
You may have asked College Guardians to arrange transport for youWhatever your plans are you should have been given details of where and how to find your driver / transport. If you have any problems please let either the school / college or College Guardians know.