Page 36 - Hillside Anniversay Newsletter
P. 36

Candy Floss...

In May 2008 Candy Floss’s calf was taken away and she was sent to
Cattle bought her, with two other cows. When she arrived in her n
missing her calf, she decided to make a break for it and by the mor
called the vets to tranquilise her, but she ran off before they could

Amazingly, Candy Floss continued her life on the run in search of her
miles! She was finally seen on a rubbish tip, where she was chased b
and attacked by dogs, surviving only by using her wits to lie low in sc

Fortunately for Candy Floss, a kind lady found her and brought her
her. She then contacted Hillside and we were very happy to give C
Highlands. Candy Floss is now part of our adoption scheme and is
telling them about her life at the Sanctuary with her friends.
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