Page 41 - Hillside25Years
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A Legacy for Life                               ‘Can you take them?’ This is a question we are so often asked... We have received a

IfHyiollusiwdeo’sulfdutluikree,toheslepciunrge  call asking if we can take in two separate herds of abandoned horses. The bailiffs are
    and campaigning for                         under instruction to ‘dispose’ of the 28 horses and their only chance of life is if we agree
                                                to take them in. However, we need to tell them this week if we have room this and, if we
  animals in need, please                       cannot take them, they will be put to sleep. This truly is a last chance for these poor
     consider a legacy to                       horses who deserve so much better. To put your mind at rest, we have, or course,
                                                 agreed to give them ALL a home here in the Sanctuary.
 Hillside Animal Sanctuary,
      so that your ideals                           It is particularly poignant when animals come to the Sanctuary pregnant, and give
       may continue to live                      birth soon after arriving, when we can witness the bond between new life and old, a
       on through our work.                      natural and beautiful bond that would have been denied, but will now be free to thrive.
                  Thank you
                  for caring                        So much of what we are able to do to help animals, to give them that last chance to
                                                  be the characters they were born to be, is dependent on kind, caring people who make
                   Please request                 the choice to leave Hillside a legacy, so that when we are asked ‘Can you take them?’, we
                 our Legacy Leaflet               can say,‘Yes’.

                                                    It is only through kindly bequeathed legacies that we have been able to buy new
                                                   land, shelters, kennels and additional facilities to care for the animals when they
                                                   arrive at the Sanctuary and, if necessary, to work with them until they are ready to
                                                   enjoy their new life at Hillside.

                                                          Thanks to the kindness of those who have remembered us in their will, we have had
the confidence to say ‘Yes’ to horses, ponies, donkeys, cows, sheep, pigs, ducks, rabbits and lots of other animals over the last
25 years and for the animals that receive this wonderful gift, it really is a life to remember...

        Our deepest admiration and thanks go out to everyone, past and present, who has thought of Hillside in
their Will. If you would like to consider doing this, please ring the Sanctuary office on 01603 736200 and ask
for Lesley. Or, email Lesley at for more information or request our ‘Legacy Leaflet’.

Visitors welcome at Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary Also at Hillside Animal Sanctuary
                                                West Runton, Norfolk  Frettenham, Norfolk
on Hillside
                                                Daily 10am - 5pm      For Open Days here,

Open Days...  from Easter - End of October 2020                         please refer to
                         Closed only Saturdays                        our website below


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