Page 10 - An Awakening Journey Sampler
P. 10

As  he  backed  away  from  the  picture,  his  voice  returned  to  normal.  It

         seemed to me that I was being given a glimpse of what happens when

         someone enters "the mists of Avalon" and passes through the "veil" which

         separates this world from the Otherworld. The Celtic Otherworld is the

         real  studio  Courtney  enters  whenever  he  prepares  to  paint  one  of  his

         marvellous pictures. Its inhabitants are his teachers and guides, as he puts

         brush  to  the  page. The next morning, after celebrating the Eucharistic
         liturgy,  several  parishioners  came  to  the  rectory  for  coffee  and  sweets.

         Courtney invited them into the dining room, where he opened the velvet

         satchel in which he keeps the pages of the Book of Patrick. He began to

         display the  pages across the surface of the table, one next to the other,

         until the whole surface was covered. The exposing of each page was ac-

         companied by audible exclamations of wonder from some and deepening

         silence  from  others.  In  the  end  there  was  complete  silence.  People  just
         kept gazing, soaking up the beauty, as they could not take in enough.

         In the Celtic belief system, there are times in the year when the veil sepa-

         rating this world from the other is considered thinner than at other times.

         It is believed that, at these times, it is easier for humans to slip from one
         side  to  the  other.  The  quarterly  lunar  festivals  are  such  times.  And  it  is

         thought that the thinnest space of all comes at Samhain, Celtic New Year,

         which takes place on the night between Halloween and All Saints Day.

         Perhaps Courtney Davis can pass through the "veil" so effortlessly because

         he is himself a Celt, born to parents of Welsh, Scottish, and Irish descent

         on October 3 1st. While his birthplace was Blackwood, South Wales, he

         grew up in London. Alas, throughout his life, he has suffered from back

         problems and is registered as disabled. After three years of employment as

         a designer for one of England's largest jewellery manufacturers, he was in
         such pain  that  he  had  to have major  spinal surgery in order to keep

         going. It was during the painful period right after his first surgery that he

         had the first of a series of mystical experiences, which completely changed

         his  life.  It  began  with  the  sensation  that  his  departed  grandmother  was

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