Page 25 - Make Up Your English
P. 25

      Keep in mind that a good beauty therapist helps,
      informs, teaches,  and treats  people. This means
      that you not only apply  treatments,                                                        02
      but you also have to listen to the
      problems they have,  discuss  the                                                            M
      personal issues they want, and                                                               A
      provide the most useful advice,
      information  and instruction need-                                                            K
                                       6 attento,  che pr€sta  attenzione
      ed.                              7 atteggiamento                                              E
      Whether you work in a large      8 adatto, adeguato
      luxury day spa or in a small local  9 da ultimo,  ma non da meno
      salon,  be punctual  and never make                                                           u
      the client wait for a long time. Your clients  expect
      a prompt3  service, but if there  is a delaya,  inform                                        P
      them of how long they may have to wait, offer
      them a seat and a coffee or other refreshmentss.
      Always greet customers  with courtesy, welcome
      them to the salon and introduce yourself  when
      meeting  your client.
      Be professional,  but also attentiveó and have a
      pleasant attitudeT.
      Remember that you must be clear when you
       describe  treatments.  In addition to that, inform  LANGUAGE FOUNDATION
       the client about costs and times'              It termine issue è usato qui con il significato  di
       Be sure that the treatment  and the product you  questione/problema.  Può signifcare  anche  pubbli-
       choose are suitableE  and,  above all, safe' Always  iazione  o eiliziane,  risultata o esito.  fespressione  cf
       ask for information about the client's state of health.  usue significa in guestione, fn dfscussione  '  To  .have
       The salon and everything  inside  it must always  issues significa  invece avere difficoltà  con qualcosa
       be perfectly clean and well-maintained'  The   o qualcuno.
                                                      ..g. tn. point at issue is skin care' (It punto in
       atmosphere must be calm and transmit  a sense     discussione è la cura della  Pelle)
       of efficiency.  Treatment  rooms  or cubicles must  The final issue  of this treatment is an hydrated
       be perfectly  clean, warm, and private.           and radiant  skin. (Il risultato finale di questo
       Keep yourself  informed about  regulations and    trattamento  è una pelle idratata  e luminosa)
                                                         People going to a beauty  salon  sometimes  have
       respect  them.                                    issues with their  bodies.  (Coloro  che vanno in
       Last but not leaste, always  keep yourself  updated  un centro  estetico hanno talvolta ilifficottà con
       about new developments  and take part in refresh-  il loro corPo)
       er courses.

                                                      ],:'\'tr',arj .: "  1:+5::1-T..-";  .
                                                      .arr-  .!  ,;f",,:i',,   +a'"il";ii€i:  '
       Say if the  following   sentences are true (T) or  Give  translation  of the  following  terms'
       fabe  (F). Correct the  false  ones.           ,   Tidy
                                                      '   Appearance
        A good beautY theraPist:
        É* is a good listener                         .  Hygiene
        ;*r never  Puts PeoPle  at ease                  Skin decoration
        n: has good personal hYgiene                     Advice
        íj  makes the client wait for a long time        Spa
        r=5 is attentive                                 Salon
                                                      ':1  Treatment  room
        -,:r doesn't care about safetY
        +l is not informed  and uPdated                  Regulation
        ,,i.:i  always cares about hYgiene               Updated
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