Page 6 - Make Up Your English
P. 6

LEARNING  UNIT  1O                    207
              Some Beauty  Products  for Skin Care   127
              Grammar                                130    In the Treatment  Room                 201
              Sostantivi  numerabili e non numerabili       Listening  A Difficult Task            205
              (Countable and Uncountable Nouns)      130    How to Say and How to Translate        209
              Gli aggettivi  e i pronomi  indefiniti (Indefinite
              Adjectives and Pronouns)               l3l    Make-up Tools                          210
               I composti di some,  any, no ed every  (Com-  Make-up Brushes                       211
               pouns ofsome, Any, No, andEvery)      133    Grammar                                212
              Entrambi/Nessuno dei due (Both/Either/Nei-    I verbi modali (Modal Verbs)           212
              ther)                                  136     Abilità e capacità  (Ability  and Possibility) 2I3
              Come esprimere  la quantitèt (How to Express   Chiedere/Dare un permesso (Asking  for/Gi-
              Quantity)                              138      ving Permission)                     2t4
               Molto (Very/a  Lot [of]/Much/Many)    138      Fare richieste  (Making  Requests)   2t4
               Poco (Lixle/Few/A Little/A Few)       139      Formulare  offerte e inviti (Making Propo-
               Abbastanza  (Enough/Quite/Rather)  139         sals and Invitations)                215
               Così e tanto (So and Such)            140      Cerrezza, possibilità  e probabilità  (C  e r t ai n -
               Troppo  (Too/Too  Much/Too Many)      t40      ty, Possibility,  and Probability)   275
              How + aggettivo  o avverbio  (How + Adjective   Obbligo  e necessità (Obligation  and
              or Adverb)                             142      Necessity)                           276
              Le domande  indirette (Indirect  Questions)   I44  Consiglio  e raccomandazione,  critica  e rim-
                                                              provero (Advíce,  Blame, and Reproach)  217
              LEARNING  UNIT 8                      147
               ..                                            TEARNING UNIT  11                    221
              E-mailing  a Friend                    147                                            ..:::
              Listening  A Day at the Beach          149     Doing  Shopping                       221
              How to Say and How to Translate        152     l,istening  A New Friend              223
                                                             How to Say and How to Translate       221
              Cosmetics  in Ancient Times            154
              Grammar                                157     Nail Technicians                      228
              Il passato semplice del verbo essere(Past Sim-  Grammar                              230
              pte: To Be)                            I57     Comparativi  e superlativi  (Comparatives  and
               Il passato semplice  (Past Simple)    159     Superlatives)                         230
               Il passato  progressivo  (Past Continuous)  166  Aggettivi  e avverbi (Adjectives  and Adverbs)  230
               Il passato prossimo  semplice  (Present Perfect  Verbi e sostantivi  (Verbs and Nouns)  zJ+
               Simple)                                169
               Il passato  prossimo  progressivo  (Present Per-  TEARNING  UNIT 12                 239
              fect  Continuous)                       l'73

                                                             Learning  How to Apply Make-uP         239
               LEARNING  UNIT 9                      177     Listening  Nice to Meet You            247
                                                             How to Say and How to Translate       246
               A New Lesson:  Vy'axing                177
               Listening  An Introduction  to  \ùy'axing  179  Make-up Products                     24'1
               How to Say and How to Translate        r82    Grammar                               250
                                                             Il condizionale presente  e passato (Present
               Body Hair and Waxing                   183    Conditional and Past Conditional)      250
               Grammar                               187     Il periodo ipotetico  (If'clauses)     257
               Il futuro (Future  Tenses)             187    Il discorso  indiretto  (Indirect  Speech)  253
                Il futuro semplice  (Future Simple)   188
                Il futuro intenzionale  (Be Going to)  189
               Il passivo (Passive Form)              193
               Fare + infinito (Make/Let/G  et/Have)  198
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