Page 20 - 2018-2019-IW-Catalog-Fall_Neat
P. 20

            Give one to your neighbor who finally
          mowed their lawn after two months.
             Nothing says, "I love you and your smell"
                   like a Zum Gift.
              Practice self-love and don't share.
                                                                                                       YOU PICK THREE
               Keep one for those birthdays or                                                   24221 / $17.95 / Three 3 oz. Zum Bars
            anniversaries that always sneak
                     up on you.                                                                Choose three Zum Bars that groove with
                                                                                               your vibrational frequencies. We'll top it off
                Gift those college dorm stinkers.                                                          in a gift box.

                                                              YOU PICK SIX
                                                       24363 / $39.00 / Six 3 oz. Zum Bars
                                                  Why  settle  for  one  when  you  can  choose  six
                                                  luscious  Zum  Bars?  Follow  your  aura  and  mix
                                                  Zum  Bars  as  you  please  in  this  You  Pick  Six's
                                                              gorgeous NEW box.

                                                             NEW!  ZUM BAR
                                                               SLIVER SET                                                                                                                                                                  15 Zum Bars for the price of 14, boxed,
                                                                24241 / $7.25                                                                                                                                                             bowed and ready to go. Includes Almond,
                                                                                                                                                      ZUM SWEET 15                                                                         Anise-Lavender, Clove-Mint, Eucalyptus,
                                                    7  oz.  of  Zum  Bar  Soap  Slivers  packed  in  a                                                   GIFT PACK                                                                           Frankincense & Myrrh, Grapefruit,
                                                    black bag, perfect for travel! Each sliver is      YOU PICK FOUR                                                                                                                        Lavender-Mint, Lavender-Rosemary,  •  800.361.5686
                                                          approximately .75 x .25 x 1".                                                                   24266 / $83.25                                                                  Lemongrass, Oatmeal-Lavender, Patchouli,
                                                                                                          24345 / $41.00
                                                                                                                                                       Fifteen 3 oz. Zum Bars                                                                Patchouli-Orange, Rosemary-Mint,
                                                                                                Court a custom quartet in your choice of                                                                                                     Sandalwood-Citrus, and Sea Salt.
                                                                                              Zum Bar, Mist, Wash, and Body Lotion Tube.
                                                                    For more Zum gifts visit     Whiff-ready in sleek NEW packaging.
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