Page 30 - 2018-2019-IW-Catalog-Fall_Neat
P. 30

Gratification Guarantee:                          INDIGO WILD ORDER FORM                               For 100 ways to use me visit
                                                                                                                                               If you aren’t completely and totally satisfied, we want to know. Call us, email us, or         
                                                                                                                                               drop by. The only thing we ask is your two cents. Your input helps us create better  GET ZUM AND LATHER UP FASTER.  21035 / 5 oz. / $4.95
                                                                                                                                               products. So let us know your grouse and we’ll make things right.  PR ODUCT  NAME
                                                                           NEW LOOK!                                                           Ingredients A-List:                               ORDER 24 HOURS A DAY AT INDIGOWILD.COM
                                                                          MAZEL ZUM  TM                                                                                                          Have questions? Want to place an order? Or just want to tell us about your day?
                                                                            BOW BAR                                                            Visit to see every ingredient in the flesh, including which
                                                                                                                                               products are vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free.  Give us a call Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM CST at 1-800-361-5686.
                ZUM BUM  ®                                                21448 / 3 oz. / $6.50                                                Shipping Details:
              WITH HOLIDAY                                                 NEW LOOK!                                             GIFTNOTIC.                                                        ITEM DESCRIPTION               ITEM #    QTY    UNIT PRICE   TOTAL PRICE
                HANG TAG                                                   MAZEL ZUM  TM                                                       *For better shipping rates different from noted, shop at or call
              35035 / 4 fl. oz. / $9.50                                   GLOW VOTIVE                                                          1-800-361-5686 and place your order with our Zum Chicks over the phone.
                                                                          24456 / 2.5 oz. / $8.50                                              For orders shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, or U.S. Territories, please include $25.00 to
             Bidet in a bottle with                                        Aromatherapy for                                                    your $12.95 shipping price.
                  bells on.
                                                                          the Festival of Lights!                                              Zum Whiff Sticks and products in a 64 oz. jug or larger are not available for
                                                                          Comes in an Almond-                                                  delivery  to AK, HI, or U.S. Territories.
                                                                         Orange Zum Bar Goat’s                                                 Zum Clean Counter Cleaner is not available for delivery to: AK, CA, CT, DE, DC,
                                                                            Milk Soap and                                                      HI, IL, IN, ME, MD, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, UT, VT, VA, or U.S.
                                                                           Zum Glow Votive.                                                    Territories. For other shipping restrictions visit
                                                                                                                                                BILLING  ADDRESS
                                                                                                                                                Name                   Phone

                                                                                                                                                City                   State         Zip
                                                                                                               NEW LOOK!
                                          NEW LOOK!                                                           HOLIDAY ZUM                       SHIP TO OR GIFT ADDRESS
                                       HOLIDAY SACHET                                                          BUNDLE BOX                       Name                   Phone
                                         24297 / 5 oz. / $4.95                                                24245 / 9 oz. / $9.50             Address
                                          Santa goat’s got a                                                 Zum  Bar  slices  for                                                               TEL: 1.800.361.5686     MAILING ADDRESS:              Sub Total
                                          brand new bag…                                                     all the nice folks, or             City                   State         Zip         WEB: INDIGOWILD.COM     3125 WYANDOTTE STREET         Sales Tax
                                          of soap shavings.                                                  just the stinky ones.              E-mail                                           FAX: 816.221.4035       KANSAS CITY, MO 64111    (Shipping to Missouri?
                                         Seriously, check out                                                Zum  Bundle  Box,  now                                                                                                               Add 8.475% Sales Tax)
                                            this sleek,                                                      available in two colors,           GIFT MESSAGE                                     E-MAIL: ZUMCHICKS@INDIGOWILD.COM                      Shipping*
                                           NEW design.                                                       equals  three  full-sized                                                           PAYMENT METHOD                                   (Per shipping address)  $12.95
                                                                                                              Zum Bars. Lather on!                                                                                                                  Please Gift Wrap
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Credit Card ( MC,  V,  D )                           (Add $5.00)
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Card #                                                TOTAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                  CID #
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Exp. Date
      30                                                                                                                                                                                          Check # (Checks are welcome however will delay processing.)
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