Page 5 - BPA Area IV-Parameter C
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this purpose,thestudentsareencouragedtoorganizeandactivelyparticipateinanyorvarious
duly recognizedstudentorganizations.TheStudentOrganizationUnitoftheOfficeofStudent
Affairs and Services serves as the coordinating center of the University. The specific
promulgationpoliciesand guidelinesgoverningstudentorganizationsformpartofAppendixE.
Establishmentand Operation. Theestablishmentandoperationofanystudentorganizationin
thecampus,orinthecolleges/ departmentsshallbegovernedbytherulesandregulationsof
theOfficeofStudentAffairsand Servicessuchasthefollowing:
Student organizations shall have to be duly recognized by the OSAS before they
operateorconduct activities.
Itshallbe theresponsibilityoftheDirectorofStudentAffairsand Servicesandthe
Chief of Student Organizations to supervise all the activities of all duly recognized
student organizations.
3.Application for Recognition
a. New Organization
Any group of at least fifteen (15) students may apply to the OSAS to
form an
organization. The letter of application shall be accompanied by the following:
1. Constitution and By-Laws;
2. List of elected officers and members for the current year;
3. Proposed program of activities and projects;
4. Names of three (3) Faculty or Employees with their letter of
acceptance as advisers to be submitted to the Director of OSAS.