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AlmaConnect-Digital Mentorship
Our Alumni launched an “Path to become a Legal
empowering initiative for Eagle”
students to help them navigate
the path to success in their Principal Associate at
fields of interest. ‘Men and Cyril Amarchand
Mangaldas and Tishta
Women of Substance’ was born (Batch of 2014) BA LLB
out of the shared passion across from NLU, Delhi
the alumni community to enable Arijeet Mukjerjee
the students of our school to ( 2006 Batch )
achieve greater heights by
sharing their struggles and
achievements. The first season “Medical Oncology”
was attended by all the students Principal Consultant
and many parents. The sessions Oncology at Max
covered areas such as CA and Hospital Saket
forensics, branding and
advertising, healthcare, Dr. Devavrat Arya
engineering, and medical field. (1996 Batch )
“An Insight into the World of
Branding and Advertising “
An experience of over 2 decades Shraddha Chatterjee
with brands like Nestle, Dabur (2009 Batch)
and the likes.
Gunjan Malhotra A Career with the Big Oil
(1997 Batch )
Companies as a
Becoming a Doctor and a Emirates Society of
Scientist in Geoscientists, Delhi
Nanotechnology University Gold Medalist
MD-PhD at University of & IIT Kharagpur
Toronto Shrey Sindhwani
(2006 Batch )
“CA and Forensics –
The what and the
how of it?)” “Engineering to being a
CA and Forensic entrepreneur”
Audit Expert IIT/IIM Grad and
Founder Director Unexo
Life Sicience Pvt. Ltd. Saurabh Bansal
Mukul Aggarawal ( 2006 Batch )
( 1996 Batch )