Page 5 - Cornice_Grade 6
P. 5


            Critical analysis of the characters provides an opportunity to get to know
            more  about  the  characters  and  provides  reasoning  to  the  traits  they

            exhibit in the story.
            •  Character sketches

            The Artist - The Cat Who Went to Heaven

            The Artist from   e Cat  Who Went to  Heaven  brings him good luck when a miracle occurs
            is a very intriguing character. He is portrayed  which causes the priests to change their minds
            as someone who had some very interesting  and accept the painting with the cat in it.
            attributes. One of those is persistence. Persistence
            is the quality that allows someone to continue  Th  e artist was very compassionate as he imagined
            doing something or trying to do something even  how the little cat felt because though the cat was

            though it is difficult or opposed by other people.  so gentle, so sweet, it was cursed forever. All the
            Even though the artist was poor and didn’t have  other animals might receive the Buddha’s blessing
            much and needed money he took his time to be  and go to heaven, but the little cat heard the doors
            in Buddha’s  shoes  just so he could improve and  of Nirvana closed before her. Tears came to his
            perfect his skills and make the drawing more  eyes…He took up his best brush, dipped it in
            realistic.                                        spring water, touched it with ink, and last of all
                                                              the animals he drew a cat.
            The other quality that the artist had was patience.                            by Aanvi Shrestha

            Patience is the quality of calm endurance.The

            artist  stayed patient and meditated and imagined
            he was buddha so his painting would look more

            When the housekeeper took in a stray cat whom
            they named “Good Fortune.” Despite the artist’s
            feeling that cats are unlucky (it was the only
            animal to refuse to honor Buddha and is denied

            an afterlife), his kind nature wins out, and, to his
            surprise, his luck changes. He is commissioned
            by the local priests to create for the temple a
            painting depicting the death of Buddha.

            The artist was also very passionate. Most of us
            know about artistic passion—it’s what motivates
            us to create. The artist  paints good fortune(the

            cat) in the painting of Buddha even  though he is
            told not to by the priest. His love for the animal
            that had been a friend to him is more important
            than the money. In the end, Good Fortune still

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