Page 30 - prim 5 booklet 2025 modified
P. 30

Delta Modern Language Schools  ►Measuring properties.
Science department
Grade 5
1st term 2024 -2025

                               Stone          Iron nail      Cork              Wood
                                              attracted  Not attracted      Not attracted
Magnetic                       Not attracted
attraction.                                      30 g         100g              20 g
                                                 Sink         Float             Float
Mass (g)                       50 g

Sink or float                  Sink

►We can conclude that:
- Some materials are attracted to the magnet (magnetic materials)
- Other materials are not attracted to the magnet (non-magnetic materials)
• Floating and sinking of substances don't depend on their masses.
► What happen to the mass of object if its shape changes?
-The mass will not change (still constant)
► Mass is affected by increasing or decreasing the amount of matter.

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