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W H A T ' S   N E W   I N   A P R I L ?

                               T H E   R O W A N Y   T R O P H Y   L A S T   1 6   &   R N L I
                               S T A B L E F O R D

                               The Rowany Trophy Last 16 will be played on Sunday 2nd May and Monday 3rd May. On
                               the Sunday we are also running the Gents RNLI Stableford. Normally this would be run
                               over 18 holes, but due to fixture congestion because of Covid, it has been decided to run
                               it over 9 holes.

                               The Entry fee is £2.00, but if players would like to make a further donation that would be
                               very much appreciated.

                               The Last 16 matches have priority on the course.

  T H E   M E D A L S   A N D   T H E   G R A H A M   T R O P H Y

  The first Medal of the year takes place on Saturday 1st May – the delayed April Medal. The
  six Medals are sponsored by Tower Insurance and run normally from April to September.
  The prizes awarded are for the Winners and Runners-up for Handicap Indexes up to 12,
  and from 13 to 54, plus Best gross.

  The six Medals count towards the Order of Merit – The Graham Trophy – where the best
  nett score of each Medal is awarded 10 points, the next best 9 points, and so on down to
  1 point. The player with the highest number of points after the six Medals wins The
  Graham Trophy (prize a £100 voucher), with a prize for the Runner-up (a voucher for

                               N E W   L O C A L   R U L E :   A B N O R M A L   G R O U N D
                               C O N D I T I O N S   –   C H I P P I N G S

                               When a ball comes to rest on an area covered with wood chippings, or gravel and the
                               like, free relief may be taken in accordance with Rule 16.1b.
                               Wood chips remote from the main concentrations are classed as ‘Loose Impediments’
                               and may be removed under Rule 15.1.

                               Explanatory note: All paths on Rowany Golf Course are deemed to be integral parts of the course
                               and therefore under normal circumstances free relief from paths is not allowed. The club now uses
                               wood chippings to improve some areas of the course, especially in periods of prolonged wet
                               weather, and this Local Rule is to allow a player to either ‘play it as it lies’ or take the appropriate
                               relief without penalty.

                               Note: This will be posted on the club notice board until new score cards are printed.

  P R E S E N T A T I O N   O F   P R I Z E S

  The next presentation of Prizes will be held on Wednesday 26th May at around 8.30 after
  the Club Night Presentation of Prizes

                              Rowany Golf Club | Rowany Drive, Port Erin | Isle of Man IM9 6LN | 01624.834108
                                       Copyright © 2021 Rowany Golf Club All Rights Reserved.
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