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 VTE | Contents
JUNE 2018
Special Features
13 MegaTrans2018 - The first of its kind in Australia
14 Isuzu Launch - New Australian designed EVs
18 iMOVE CRC - Data and tech for the movement of goods
19 Perfectly Keyless - Bosch re-purposes smartphones
20 Simulation Driven Design - Light weighting vehicle engineering
VTE News
6 International News
9 General News
10 Automotive and Special Vehicle News
11 Truck and Recreational Vehicle News
12 Aerospace News
13 Defence News
Society News
4 Notes from the Chair - Welcome from Adrian Feeney
5 Roll Forming Conference
- Deakin University launch & conference
22 Occupant Injury Testing - submission MEEA
26 New Products - for engineering
On the Cover
Isuzu Australia has launched two locally developed EV concept trucks independent of Isuzu Japan.
MEAA - The Winners Awarded 4
Roll Forming Conference 5
Perfectly Keyless 19
MegaTrans2018 13
                Altair Feature 23
   About the SAE-A
SAE-A was founded in 1927 to address the need for further education for all facets surrounding Automotive Engineering, and now encompasses all mobility engineering industries in the Australasian region. The SAE-A is a non-profit organisation that works to serve the needs of
its members and to promote the relevance of mobility related technologies to governments, industry and the community in general.
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