Page 66 - DaggaBay Magazine Issue 4
P. 66
This kind of cannabis professional
helps ensure that products comply
with health, safety, and potency
standards. They can work for
cannabis companies or government
departments or agencies.
Sometimes, they may help inspect
and enforce cannabis cultivation
laws and regulations (including
those that apply to the use of
pesticides). You may need a PhD in a
related scientific field such as
biology, agronomy, chemistry, or
entomology to get a cannabis tester
job like this.
PhDs in South Africa generally
follow a similar pattern to European
and American programmes, but Depending on your project, you will
with the added bonus of becoming a accumulate data by analysing source
wine connoisseur. They focus on the materials, producing experimental
candidate completing a supervised results or collecting survey data as
thesis that adds original research appropriate. Throughout this process,
and knowledge to a field of study. you will liaise with your supervisor. You
The PhD will consist mainly of pure will most likely have at least one other
research and you will spend most of supervisor, and they will both be a big
your time working towards an part of your PhD experience.
independent doctoral thesis, which Programme length
will most likely begin with a lot of South African PhDs generally take
reading and writing a literature between two to three years to complete
review, summarising and evaluating if you are in full-time study, with a
existing research related to your minimum of 4 years if you are studying
topic. Some South African PhDs also part-time. The course length does vary
require coursework to be completed however, and this generally depends on
in addition to the main thesis, but time of registration and funding
this is less common. arrangements.