Page 73 - DaggaBay Magazine Issue 4
P. 73
Essential Tips for Finding Cannabis Jobs and Start attending some of the cannabis
Getting Hired industry's major conferences and trade
For most positions, you don't need any shows .Get to know the various company
firsthand experience with consuming weed. representatives. Ask lots of questions.
After all, you won't be expected to consume Find out what the culture is like at their
cannabis on the job. Your professional skills companies and what they look for in the
and demeanor are what really matter. In fact, people they hire. Take notes and follow
most employers in the cannabis industry up with some simple emails to thank
actively screen out obvious stoners. them for sharing that information. If any
of the companies sound like a good place
1. Research potential employers and job to work, be sure to let their
opportunities. representatives know that you're looking
This step may seem obvious, but few for opportunities in the marijuana
people spend as much time on it as industry and would be interested in
they should. Are you really willing to joining their team.
work for just anybody in the Check out other potential employers by
cannabis industry? Why not exploring the online postings on more
put in the effort to match than one cannabis job board.
your goals and personality
with a company that 2. Review your current strengths and
shares your values? qualifications.
(Your work colleagues What kind of skills do you already have?
will be like your other What's your educational background? Do
family, especially in a you want to continue using your existing
small company.) What expertise, or do you want to do
do you believe in? something completely different? Decide
What do the companies up front what kind of job you'd like to
you're thinking of joining have in the cannabis industry.
believe in? (For instance, Often, the best way to transition into the
are they just all about legal cannabis sector is to look for jobs
making money, or do that will utilize your current skill set. For
they genuinely want instance, if you have a strong customer
to help make the world service background, then budtender jobs
a better place through would be worth considering. Or if your
their cannabis-related products or services?) background is in marketing, then you can
probably find the same kind of work, but
in a more exciting industry.
Remember: While the cannabis industry
is still young, few people will have much,
if any, experience in a cannabis-related
role when applying for jobs. So the most
important thing is to be able to show
how your current abilities match up with
the position you'd like to have. Cannabis
companies are hiring skilled
professionals from all kinds of non-
cannabis industries.