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                                                                          Veronica Hislop is an int ernat ional speaker, t rainer,
                                                                          facilit at or, and aut hor. Her coaching
                                                                          programs,workshops,online courses have support ed
                                                                          t housands of people, around t he world in creat ing
                                                                          t ransformat ional st rat egies t o empower t hemselves t o
                                                                          creat e t he life t hey so clearly desire.Her underst anding of
                                                                          ment al healt h,human behaviour, and relat ionship
                                                                          dynamics comes from her ext ensive t raining and
                                                                  experience as a Family Therapist  and Trauma Counselor; her Mast ers
                                                                  Degree in Social Work, Cert ificat ion in Life-Relat ionship Coaching and
                                                                  t raining in Neuro Linguist ic Programming.
                                                                  Over t he past  20 years  she  has helped a broad range of client s  which
                                                                  has included, firefight ers, police officers, CEO?s business
                                                                  professionals, mayors, local polit icians, t eachers, women, women?s
                                                                  groups and associat ions wit h t heir learning, personal growt h and
                                                                  t ransformat ion.
                                                                  Anyone looking for a proven professional who can guide t hem in
                                                                  addressing t heir st ress while let t ing go of old st ories t hat  are  keeping
                                                                  t hem st uck, who want  t o creat e new empowering st ories t hat  inspire
                                                                  and mobilize t hem t o t ake act ion in t heir lives,need look no furt her
                                                                  t han Veronica Hislop CEO of Em-Powered-Solut ions.

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