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Holistic Hypnosis

                                                                  Higher  Self (Super conscious) Healing!

                       Free Consult at ion.
                                                                      Sheila M. Scot t  C.Ht
             I offer online sessions by email t o

                     set  up t he session at
                          or book here                               Specialt ies: Women's Healt h, Childbirt h,
                                                                 Smoking Cessat ion Weight  Release, Emot ional
                                                                           Healt h, Surrogat e Hypnosis
                          Tuesdays only

            For in person at  t he                      net/
                   clinic, by
                                                                     All sessions are done by ZOOM or Skype
             appoint ment  only
                                                                         FREE No-obligat ion Consult at ion
            phone 905 477 0200.

                                                                           Sawiak Int egrat ive

                                                                           Wellness Inst it ut e

                                                                                Oksana M. Sawiak
                                                                            DDS. IMD. MAGD, AIAOMT.
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