Page 13 - DNGC Touring Professional Membership Information
P. 13

R I G H T S   O F   M E M B E R S   G O V E R N E D   O N L Y   B Y   C L U B   B Y L A W S

               If approved for membership in the Club, the Member agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions
               of the Club Bylaws, as they may be amended from time to time.  A Member irrevocably agrees that the
               sole membership rights and privileges are those acquired pursuant to the Club Bylaws.

        C L U B   G O V E R N A N C E

               The Club is governed by a Board of Directors.  There are eight members of the Board of Directors.

        M E M B E R S H I P   O F F I C E   A V A I L A B L E   T O   A N S W E R   I N Q U I R I E S

               Should you have any questions concerning this Membership Plan or the membership opportunities
               available at the Club, please contact the Membership Office at 214.331.4195.

                                                 Dallas National Golf Club
                                                    1515 Knoxville Street
                                                    Dallas, Texas   75211

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