Page 340 - KRCL ENglish
P. 340
Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 March, 2020
In normal course of operation, on an average every day around 50 (fty) passenger
trains and 12 (twelve) to 13 (thirteen) Goods trains are operated on the Konkan
Railway route which includes originating, terminating and crossing. During lock down
due to Covid -19 Goods train movement on Konkan Railway zone has also came
down since other zonal railways has used their unutilized capacities for transportation
of Goods train rather than diversion over KRCL route.
Following are the details of Passenger and Goods train operated by the Corporation
during March'20 to July'20 (upto 25th July 2020). (Nos of trains)
Jul 20
Description Mar 20 Apr 20 May 20 Jun 20
(Up to 25.07)
Nos of Passenger trains run
Originating trafc 371 0 03 0 0
Terminating trafc 375 0 03 0 0
Cross trafc 391 0 14 142 130
Shramik Specials 0 0 75 19 0
Total 1137 0 95 161 130
Parcel Trafc 0 07 09 08 05
Nos of Goods trains run (Loaded)
a) Ro-Ro service 51 19 42 61 56
b) Other 52 44 37 31 35
Terminating trafc 104 77 79 64 15
Cross trafc 57 60 95 68 58
Total 264 200 253 224 164
Overall, with corresponding partial reduction in operational cost and other
expenditure control measures initiated, the Corporation expects to sustain and
overcome the impact and recover from the present slowdown shortly. In view of this,
the nancial statement has been prepared on Going Concern Basis.
54. Figures in bracket indicates gures of previous year.
55. Previous year gures have been regrouped/ rearranged wherever necessary.
For V. K. Surana & Co. For and on behalf of the Board
Chartered Accountants,
Firms Registration No. 110634W
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
CA Sudhir Surana Subhash Chand Gupta SANJAY GUPTA
Partner Director (Way and Works) Chairman and Managing Director
Membership No. 043414 DIN: 08339258 DIN:06710604
UDIN : 20043414AAAACG4527 Sd/-
Place: Nagpur Place: Navi Mumbai RAJENDRA PARAB
Date: July 30, 2020 Date: July 30, 2020 Company Secretary