Page 5 - Turner J.C., P. Van De Griend "History and Science of Knots"
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
History and science of knots / editors , J. C. Turner, P. van de Grien4.
p. cm. -- (K. &E series on knots and everything : vol. 11)
Includes index.
ISBN 9810224699
1. Knots and splices -- History. 2. Knot theory. I. Turner, J. C.
(John Christopher), 1928- . II. Griend, P. C. van de.
III. Series.
VM533.H57 1995
623.88'82--dc2O 95-42872
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
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First published 1996
First reprint 1998
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