Page 57 - Turner J.C., P. Van De Griend "History and Science of Knots"
P. 57

Ancient Egyptian Rope  and  Knots

           Fig. 1. Map of  Egypt with Tell el-Amarna, Abu Sha'ar, Berenilte and Qasr Ibrim
            Abu  Sha'ar  is  also  located  at the  Red  Sea coast,  30  ltm  north  of  the
       modern town Hurghada.  Abu Sha'ar was founded by the Romans as a military
       installation in the 3rd century A.D. After  a brief period of  abandonment, part
       of the fort was used from the 4th to the 7th century A.D. by an early Christian
       community.  These were probably  heremites, living a life of  contemplation in
       the deserted fort.  Rope and  ltnots were found  in the trash dumps, barracks,
       street areas and in the main building, which was in a later phase modified into
       a church.  The rope and ltnots were dated to all periods of  occupation.
            Qasr  Ibrim was  a  town  built  as an eagle's  nest  high  above the River
       Nile in Egyptian Nubia.  In periods of  unrest, the population left the hamlets
       down  by  the  river  and  built  their  houses  in  the  town,  protected  by  strong
       defences.  Qasr Ibrim has a long history, from the New  Kingdom period  (1500
       B.c.)  to the 19th century.  The rope and knots  from  Qasr  Ibrim are all from
       one house-area.  The house  is dated to the Meroitic  and  the X-group period
        (3rd century B.C. to 6th century A.D.).
            Before  continuing  with  a survey  of  the rope making  and  knotting tech-
       niques occurring at these sites, the terminology  used in this section should be
       briefly reviewed.  Any terminology is derived from a classification, however im-
       plicit and inconsistent the criteria for such a classification may be.  The criteria
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