Page 4 - 2024 SOC Wholesale Holiday Catalog
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Holiday Cards                                                              Stand out this season with designer boxed cards

                  Size: 5 x 6.75 • 15 Cards per box • Most Cards Include Silver or Gold Foil                          featuring foil embossed embellishments
                Embossed Embellishments • Colored Envelopes included • Retail Price $10
                                                                                                                              and colored envelopes!

           X23-173   Front Text: You Shine Like   X23-174   Front Text: His Light Shines
           Christmas Royalty. Inside Text: Queens like   Through Us. Inside Text: Jesus, our Savior, is   X22-158  Front Text: Sistas Sparkle &   X22-160  Front Text: Merry CHRISTMAS.
           you light up the night, With your head held   the eternal Light, He restores our Faith,  He   Shine. Inside Text: Sista, you sure do Sparkle   Inside Text: You are a special blossom That
           high Your strength takes flight. You light up   gives us sight.He makes us better, He makes   and Shine, When it comes to My Girls, You are   blooms bright from the start! Have a wond-
           each Christmas, Shining from head to toe, Your   us kind, A stronger Love you will never find.   top of the line! Our sisterhood grows stronger   HER-ful season, You’re the BEST flower in my
           crown has that sparkle, Your heart has a royal   Hoping you will be continually blessed, May
           glow! Merry Christmas                 this Holy season bring out your best! Merry   over the years,  I celebrate you this Christmas,   heart!
                                                 Christmas!                               Cheers! Merry Sis-Mas!

      Holiday Cards                                                                                                                                                  Holiday Cards

                                                 X23-176  Front Text: Christmas Blessings.
           X23-175  Front Text: Family Brings Joy   Inside Text: May Christmas Blessings flow   X22-162  Front Text: Rooted In U.N.I.T.Y.   X22-164  Front Text: Christmas Blessings.
           At Christmastime. Inside Text: There may be   through your home, To you I dedicate this   Inside Text: May the STRENGTH of our Family   Inside Text: Celebrating the birth of Jesus,
           packages under the tree, but there is no greater   holiday poem: This Christmas will be special,   VALUES, Community TIES & Ancestral Spirit   Who sacrificed so we could be free. Celebrating
           gift than family. Some family is blood & some   Because of women like you, Who make a   UNITE Us & Shine LIGHT Throughout The   the branches of my life, Angels like you - you
           we find along the way. May you feel nothing   difference to others, Who always stay true!   Season.                   are a blessing to me! Sending You Christmas
           but Family Love on Christmas Day!     Blossom like holly, shine like the sun, May this                               Blessings
                                                 season be a Glorious one! Merry Christmas

                                                                                          X21-147  Front Text: To God Be The Glory
                                                                                          Inside Text: “Love each other with genuine
           X23-177  Front Text: Beautifully Blessed.   X23-181  Front Text: Celebrating Our   affection, and take delight in honoring each
           Inside Text: You are the kind of person who   Roots. Inside Text: We are made up of our   other.” – Romans 12:10; Christmas is a time for   X21-148  Front Text: Merry Christmas!
           brightens days throughout the year. As we   past, This we know, Within our roots, Family   families to come together, for traditions to pass   Inside Text: The greatest gift we can give one
           head into another season, wishing you many   love will grow. Stand tall with pride each and   on from generation to generation, and for Love   another is Love. May you continue to unwrap
           Beautifully Blessed moments that bring much   every day, Enjoy the traditions of the season,   to shine brightly on us all. Merry Christmas and   the Loving Spirit of Christmas with family and
           happiness in the coming days.         For good health & fortune we pray.       Happy New Year                        loved ones throughout the year.
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