Page 27 - Pre-school dance plans spring
P. 27
the dragon on top, tossing it high into the air on “Roarrrrr”. N.B. if there isn’t a grown-up to stand opposite you OR the children are too young to walk around in a circle, then move the parachute side to side to the pulse instead.
All around the castle,
The knight chased the dragon. The dragon thought it was all fun, “Roarrrrr” went the dragon.
Take the toy off and ask the children if they’d like to hide underneath. If there are 12 children or less, they can take turns hiding under in groups of three. If there are more than 12 children, ask an adult to hold the other end of the parachute so all the children can hide under at once. Sing the song and lift the parachute up as you say “Roarrrrr” to reveal the hidden children. Repeat at least once if all the children are hiding at the same time. Take suggestions for new verses from the children each time you repeat the song.
Examples include:
The princess chased the dragon... The donkey...
The queen...
The king....
*Running time approx. 5 mins.
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles See spring lesson one.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
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