Page 3 - Pre-school dance plans spring
P. 3
warmer, bears that hibernate start to wake up, lots of animals have babies, flowers start to grow and the trees grow leaves again etc.). Lead the group in quickly acting out each suggestion whilst sitting.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
5. Fine motor skills: ‘Five Little Flowers’ (tune of ‘Ten Green Bottles’, traditional)
Click activity name to open YouTube video link.
Reveal the flower laminate from your sparkly magic bag. “And now our fingers are going to be dancing flowers.” Perform the song (as shown in the video) using your right hand. Repeat using your left hand.
Five little flowers dancing in the sun, Five little flowers dancing in the sun. Along came a fairy,
And picked her favourite one,
Now there’s one, two, three,
Four little flowers dancing in the sun, Four little flowers dancing in the sun. Along came a fairy,
And picked her favourite one,
Now there’s one, two,
Three little flowers... Two...
Now there’s no little flowers dancing in the sun. * Running time approx. 2 mins.
6. Choreographed dance: ‘Four Seasons’ performed by Hi-5
Click activity name to open YouTube video link.
“Who can tell me which other seasons there are? So how many seasons are there altogether? Now I’m going to teach you a dance about all four seasons.” Teach the children the tricky moves first, then play the track and perform the dance all together, using the choreography from the video. Remember to make a flower shape at the end instead of a leaf shape.
*Running time approx. 5 mins.
7. Action song: ‘Pitter Patter’ written by unknown
Tell the children that you are going to grow some springtime flowers. Ask a volunteer to choose a colour to grow (e.g. red) and then mime planting a seed for a red flower. Sing the song acapella and when you have finished, comment on the beauty of the children’s “red” flowers. Repeat several times, asking a volunteer to choose a different colour to grow each time. On the final repeat, tell the children they can grow any colour they like.
Pitter patter, pitter patter, (hit alternating palms on the floor to the pulse whilst squatting)
The rain goes on for hours. (as above)
And though it keeps me in the house, (use arms to make house shape)
It’s very good for flowers. (stretch up to standing position on tippy toes with arms high above head and fingers stretched out wide to be the petals)
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
8. Working with Props: ‘The Four Seasons, Spring Movement One’ by Vivaldi, performed by Claudio Scimon, I Solisti Veneti and Piero Toso
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