Page 4 - Moana
P. 4

(Choose a volunteer to be Maui. Maui and Moana walk around the outside of the circle doing a rowing action.)
Moana and Maui went to save the day, to save the day, to save the day. Moana and Maui went to save the day. Long, long ago.
(Moana and Maui go into the middle of the circle. Choose a volunteer to go into the middle and be the crab. Moana and Maui pull muscle poses and the crab does pincer actions.)
They fought a shiny giant crab, giant crab, giant crab. They fought a shiny giant crab. Long, long ago.
(The crab goes back into the circle. Choose another volunteer to be the island goddess and go into the middle. Moana gives the island goddess the magic stone.)
They returned the stone to the island goddess, island goddess, island goddess. They returned the stone to the island goddess. Long, long ago.
(The children in the circle wake up, stand and stretch up tall again.)
The island started to wake, to wake up, to wake up. The island started to wake up. Long, long ago.
(All the children hold hands with a partner and swing around in a circle as you sing the last verse two times.)
There was a happy celebration, celebration, celebration. There was a happy celebration. Long, long ago.
9. PARACHUTE ACTIVITY WITH HIDING: ‘Maui is Hiding’ (sung to the traditional tune of ‘Someone is Hiding’)
“It’s time to play with the parachute again!” The children sit around the imaginary parachute and move it from side to side to the pulse for the first two lines. For each, “Peek-a-boo!” the children quickly lift the imaginary parachute up high into the air and then down again on “I see you!” Repeat the song with the real parachute. Next choose two or three children (including the birthday child) to be Maui and curl up and hide underneath the parachute. Repeat the song and for each, “Peek-a-boo!” you reveal the hidden children who sit up and pull a muscle pose to be like Maui. Repeat until every child has had a turn. Once the game has been played a few times, encourage the children to sing the words with you. If you have a party assistant or if there is a willing parent nearby, ask them to hold the opposite end of the parachute and encourage the children to all go under together as you sing the song one final time.
Maui is hiding, is hiding, is hiding, Maui is hiding, where could he be? Peek-a-boo! I see you!
Peek-a-boo! I see you!
10. CHASING GAME: ‘Catch Moana!’ (sung to the traditional tune of ‘Tiny Tim’)
“And now you’re going to have a short Moana lesson. I am your teacher and you are my students. Follow me.” Sing the song acapella and perform the actions as indicated by the lyrics.
“Everyone knows that to be like Moana you must know how to sail.”
Moana is sailing, Moana is sailing, Moana is sailing, in the island class.
“Moana is also very good at singing.”
Moana is singing, Moana is singing, Moana is singing, in the island class.
“And everyone knows that to be like Moana you have to be good at swimming!” Moana is swimming, Moana is swimming, Moana is swimming in the Island class.
Moana is sleeping... Moana is waking...
© 2017 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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