Page 25 - Pre-school Dance Plans Term One
P. 25
8. Working with Props: ‘Sleeping Bunnies’ (traditional)
Take out the “imaginary parachute”. Sing the song acapella and practise gently and slowly moving it from side to side during the verse then lifting it up and down in time with the pulse during the chorus.
See the bunnies sleeping, ‘Till it’s nearly noon.
Shall we wake them,
With a merry tune? They’re so still. Are they ill?
Hop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop, Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop. Hop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop, Hop, hop, hop.
Repeat using the real parachute. Then place your rabbit hand puppet on top of the parachute and repeat (making the bunny jump up and down during the chorus). Place your soft cat toy on top of the parachute (count with the children that there are two toys on top) and repeat using the lyrics below.
See the cats sleeping...
Pounce little cats, pounce, pounce, pounce...
Place your soft fish toy on top of the parachute (and count with the children that there are now three toys on top) and repeat using the lyrics below.
See the fish sleeping...
Jump little fish, jump, jump, jump... *Running time approx. 5 mins.
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles
See term one lesson one.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
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