Page 35 - Term 4 toddler music song book and lesson plans
P. 35
Creeping, creeping little flea, Up my leg and past my knees. On my tummy up he goes, Past my chin and to my nose.
Composer: Unknown Musical aims:
To mirror the pitch with movement
To tap the rhythm of "Pat, pat, pat, pat"
To sing along with piano and strings
M (N) & EAD (MM)
To join in tapping along to simple rhythms
To develop finger dexterity through doing the actions
Pat, pat, pat, pat.
Now he's going past my chin, To my tummy once again, Down my leg and past my knees, To my toes that little flea.
La la la la la la la la. Gotcha!
The Flea
CL (U) & L (R)
To understand words, e.g. different body parts, in a song through actions
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