Page 22 - Term Three Drama Lesson Plans
P. 22

Repeat chorus: (flap right arm in time with the pulse throughout the chorus until ‘PENGUINS ATTENTION!’)
Right flipper (flap right arm), left flipper (flap left arm)
Repeat chorus: (flap right and left arms in time with the pulse throughout the chorus
Right flipper (flap right arm), left flipper (flap left arm), right foot (swing right foot
out to the side and up)
Repeat chorus: (flap right and left arms and swing right foot in time with the pulse
throughout the chorus until ‘PENGUINS ATTENTION!’)
Right flipper (flap right arm), left flipper (flap left arm), right foot (swing right foot
out to the side and up), left foot (swing left foot out to the side and up)
Repeat chorus: (flap right and left arms and swing right and left feet in time with
the pulse throughout the chorus until ‘PENGUINS ATTENTION!’)
Right flipper (flap right arm), left flipper (flap left arm), right foot (swing right foot out to the side and up), left foot (swing left foot out to the side and up), bob your head (bob your head)
Repeat chorus: (flap right and left arms, swing right and left feet and bob head in time with the pulse throughout the chorus until ‘PENGUINS ATTENTION!’)
Right flipper (flap right arm), left flipper (flap left arm), right foot (swing right foot out to the side and up), left foot (swing left foot out to the side and up), bob your head (bob your head), turn around (turn around)
Repeat chorus: (flap right and left arms, swing right and left feet, bob head and turn around in time with the pulse throughout the chorus until ‘PENGUINS ATTENTION!’)
Right flipper (flap right arm), left flipper (flap left arm), right foot (swing right foot out to the side and up), left foot (swing left foot out to the side and up), bob your head (bob your head), turn around (turn around), stick out your tongue (stick out your tongue)
(flap right and left arms, swing right and left feet, bob head and turn around in time with the pulse and stick out your tongue throughout the final chorus below until ‘PENGUINS ATTENTION!’)
Have you ever seen a penguin come to tea?
When you look at me a penguin you will see!
PENGUINS ATTENTION! (stand up straight with arms by sides)
PENGUINS DISMISSED! (salute and then collapse and fall asleep, exhausted!) NB: The video is an abridged version to be used for learning the melody and actions. Follow the lyrics/structure as written.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
6. Create the story
See weekly drama activity break down for instructions.
Opening lines: “Penny the Penguin was sliding down the ice mountain with her family. She moved so quickly that her family got lost behind her and when she came to stop at the bottom of the mountain, she was all by herself!”
* Running time approx. 4 mins.
         © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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