Page 3 - Frozen 1 & 2 2 Hour Final
P. 3

You (spoken): Now let’s all say “One, two, three, abracadabra!”
All (spoken): One, two three, abracadabra! (the children wave their imaginary wands)
Repeat several times as above, except for at the end of each verse when you ask the children to put their hand up if they would like to make a wish. You then sing “Which power do you wish for?” to a child that has their hand up. If you have more than ten children, you could try asking a few children at a time (at the end of each verse before saying “one, two, three abracadabra”) to speed up the activity. If you have more than 20 children you can ask everyone that hasn’t had a turn to shout their wish out at once.
6. CHOREOGRAPHED DANCE ONE: ‘In Summer’ performed by Josh Gad
Click on song name to open the video in YouTube.
“Let’s take a look in my sparkly magic bag to see what we are going to do next!” Reveal Olaf
soft toy. “Does anyone know who this is? That’s right, it’s Olaf! And Olaf loves the summer time so it’s time for me to teach you the special ‘In Summer’ dance!” Practice getting into partners and the partner dance before you play the music. There is no need to go through any of the other actions. Play the track and perform the dance as in the video
7. PARACHUTE ACTIVITY WITH TOY/S ON TOP: ‘Ten Toys on the Bouncing Castle’ (tune
of ‘Two Teddies on a Trampoline’ by Linda Bance)
“Who can tell me where princesses live... What sort of castle does Elsa have in Frozen 1?... My favourite kind of
castle is a bouncing castle. Let’s make one now with the parachute.” Explain that first they must practice with the
imaginary parachute and that if everyone listens really well then you will take out the real parachute. Sing the song and move your arms up and down in time with the pulse.
No toys on the bouncing castle, Boing, boing, boing, boing.
No toys on the bouncing castle, Boing, boing, boing.
Repeat the song, but the group holds the edges of the real parachute, moving it up and down to the pulse (but with no toys on top). “If everyone listens well I will put some toys on top.” Place one soft toy or finger puppet on top and sing:
One toy on the bouncing castle, Boing, boing, boing, boing. One toy on the bouncing castle, Boing, boing, boing.
Add a second toy on top and sing “Two toys...” Repeat for up to ten toys. Then place as many soft toys and finger puppets as you have (so there are up to about 20 all together) on top and sing “Lots of toys on the bouncing castle etc.” Don’t worry if they fall off. They always do!
8. MUSICAL STATUES (with egg shakers): ‘Some Things Never Change’ performed by the cast of Frozen 2
a) Ask the children if they know the game Musical Statues. Tell them that they’re going to play a game a little bit like Musical Statues and that if they can beat you to win, you will give them all a Haribo treat.
b) Explain that they are going to be princesses and princes and you are going to give them all a musical treasure (egg shaker).
c) When the music plays they must march their treasures around Arendelle (demonstrate as you tell them). When the music stops it means the Enchanted Forest is waking up so they have to freeze and be really quiet so the Earth Giants don’t hear them. “If you can be super quiet you will win a Haribo treat.”
d) “I am going to turn into an Earth Giant every time the music stops.”
e) Giveeachchildamusicaltreasure
f) Play ‘Some Things Never Change’ and the children march around the room and shake their musical
g) Pause the music and pretend to be an Earth Giant. The children freeze. You get grumpy because they’ve
managed to freeze in time. “I’ll get you next time!” Try to be as silly as you can to make the children laugh.
h) Repeatseveraltimesuntilyouconfessthattheprincessesandprinceshavebeatenyouasyouhaven’tbeen
able to find any of them! You cry and say “I want my mummy!”
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