Page 2 - Princesses & Superheroes 2 hour
P. 2

Set One (45 mins)
3-4s: “Hi everyone. Firstly let’s all say thank you to child’s name for inviting us to his/her birthday party by giving him/her a great big round of applause! Does anybody know who I am (pause for response)? That’s right, I’m insert name of princess or superhero. Today I’m going to teach you all about princesses and superheroes and everyone who joins in will get some magic sparkles and a Haribo treat. But before we begin, I’m going to give you a little test to see how much you know!”
5-6s: “Hi everyone. Firstly let’s all say thank you to child’s name for inviting us to his/her birthday party by giving him/her a great big round of applause! My name is Your Name Sparkles and you can remember my name because I have a sparkly magic bag and at the end everyone who joins in will get some magic sparkles and a Haribo treat. Does anyone know who I’m dressed as? That’s because today we’re going to learn all about princesses and superheroes and we’re going to start with a little test to see how much you know!”
2. ACTION GAME: ‘Princesses and Superheroes’
Use this game as a chance to introduce the children to the theme and warm them up.
Princesses = pull a muscle pose as you say “I’m strong and brave!”
Dragon = say “roarrrrr” with scary hands
Superhero = one hand on hip and the other punches the sky in a fist (superman pose) and sing well known part of superman theme song “da da da da da da da da
Baddie = find a friend to hug and scream “Ahhh!”
Fairy godmother = wave magic wand and sing “bibbidi bobbidi boo”
a) “Every time I say ‘princesses’ you have to remember to say, ‘I’m strong and brave’.” Demonstrate the action listed above as you say the words. Then, you say ‘princesses’ and the children pull a muscle pose as they say ‘I’m strong and brave’. Practice several times.
b) One by one add in the rest of the characters listed above. Make sure to mix up the order in which you are saying the character names as you teach the game.
c) At first, do all the actions and sounds with the children.
d) When they have got the hang of it, you tell them you are now watching to see if they can
be really clever and remember all of the sounds and actions without your help.
e) Lots of energy!
3. WARM UP DANCE: ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’ performed by The Wiggles
Click on song name to open the video in YouTube.
“Well done everyone! I can tell you know lots about princesses and superheroes and so we’re ready to begin the party. The first thing we need to do is make sure our bodies are warmed up for lots of dancing and games so we’re going to shake our sillies out!” Play the track and perform the dance as in the video. Make sure to use lots of energy!
4. GET THE CHILDREN INTO A CIRCLE: ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ written by Anne Porter Without speaking, get the children into a circle by singing:
Let’s make a circle,
A circle a circle.
Let’s make a circle,
At insert child’s name’s birthday party.
Repeat until everyone is in a circle. Please use this song every time you need the children in a circle throughout the duration of the party.
5. WISHING SONG: ‘Starlight Starbright’ by Traditional
“Let’s see what I have in my sparkly magic bag today.” Reveal magic wand. “What does a magic wand do? Today I’m going to show you how we can use it to make wishes come true. You can wish for a superpower like x-ray vision, shooting webs or flying to help you be a real superhero or you can wish for something to make you a real princess like a tiara, a fairy godmother or a beautiful dress. First you need to learn the special wishing song and it goes like this.” Point your wand to different children to the pulse as you sing the song acapella.
      © 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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