Page 3 - Princesses & Superheroes 2 hour
P. 3

Starlight, starbright,
First star I see tonight.
Wish I may, wish I might, Have this wish I wish tonight.
You: Birthday girl/boy, (insert child’s name) what’s your wish?
(you may need to give some suggestions)
Birthday girl/boy: I wish for a pony. (the child invents their own wish) You: (spoken) Now, let’s all say “One, two, three abracadabra”!
All (spoken): One, two three, abracadabra! (the children wave their imaginary wands)
Repeat several times as above, except for at the end of each verse when you ask the children to put their hand up if they would like to make a wish. You then sing “Hello, what’s your wish?” to a child that has their hand up. If you have more than ten children, you could try asking a few children at a time (at the end of each verse before saying “one, two, three abracadabra”) to speed up the activity. If you have more than 20 children you can ask everyone that hasn’t had a turn to shout their wish out at once.
6. CHOREOGRAPHED DANCE ONE: ‘Strong and Brave’ performed by Hi-5
Click on song name to open the video in YouTube.
“Princesses and Superheroes must be very strong and brave so now I’m going to teach you a special dance that will help you to be strong and brave like me!” Play the track and perform the dance as in the video.
7. PARACHUTE ACTIVITY WITH TOY/S ON TOP: ‘Five Superheroes’ by Lucy Milan Davis
“Let’s see who is hiding in my sparkly magic bag.” Reveal Superman doll. “Who can tell me what his superpowers are... Yes, he’s very strong, has X-ray vision and he can fly. We’re going to make him fly now using the parachute. We’re going to practice with the imaginary one and if everyone does a great job then I’ll get the real one out.”
Move the imaginary parachute from side to side to the pulse as you say the rhyme. Quickly lift the parachute high up into the air as you say “Whoosh!”
One superhero feeling strong and brave, Looking around for somebody to save. He heard a crash so he flew off in a flash! Three, Two, One. Whoosh!
Take out the real parachute, place the Superman toy on top and repeat, flinging him high up into the air at the end. “Superman is a little lonely on there. Let’s turn some of his friends into superheroes so they can join him.” Reveal a soft toy from your sparkly bag, place it on the parachute and say the following rhyme.
Two superheroes feeling strong and brave, Looking around for somebody to save.
They heard a crash so they flew off in a flash! Three, Two, One. Whoosh!
Repeat until you have five soft toys on top. Then place as many soft toys and finger puppets as you have (up to about 20) on top and skip to say “Lots of superheroes feeling strong and brave etc.”. Repeat with ‘lots’. Don’t worry if they fall off. They always do!
8. MUSICAL STATUES (with instruments): ‘Shake It Off’ by Taylor Swift
a) Ask the children if they know the game Musical Statues. Tell them that they’re going to play a game a little bit like Musical Statues and that if they can beat you to win, you
will give them all a Haribo treat.
  © 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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