Page 3 - Music party 5-6s online
P. 3
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
(silence) Shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Accompany the children on your melodic instrument as they perform the song again, singing the words “head” and “shoulders” in their ‘thinking voices’.
(silence) (silence) Knees and toes, knees and toes, (silence) (silence) Knees and toes, knees and toes, And eyes and ears and mouth and nose, (silence) (silence) Knees and toes, knees and toes.
Encourage the children to take out imaginary remote controls and press super slow. Everyone performs the song super slow (singing all of the words out loud). Next, encourage the children to take out their remote controls and press super fast! Everyone performs the song super fast!
6. ACCOMPANIED SINGING: ‘Mr Clicketty Cane’ written by Peter Combe
Click on song name to open the video in YouTube.
“Now I’m going to teach you a really silly song about my friend Mr Clicketty Cane.” Encourage the children to try and say the name “Mr Clicketty Cane” with you three times. “I’m going to sing something silly and you’re going to copy me.” Make sure to use a silly voice and silly facial expressions. The children echo your singing and actions. For the actions, you just mime what is being said in the lyrics. Help the children with their echo if they are having trouble as you need to move through this part of the activity quickly before they get bored.
You: Wash your face in orange juice Children: Wash your face in orange juice You: Clean your teeth with bubblegum Children: Clean your teeth with bubblegum You: Fix the fence with sticky tape Children: Fix the fence with sticky tape You: Brush your hair with a toothbrush Children: Brush your hair with a toothbrush You: Fry an egg on a slippery dip Children: Fry an egg on a slippery dip You: Belly flop on a pizza...
Children: (spoken) Belly flop on a pizza? Eeeeeww!!! * Obviously this is not an exact echo so you will need to go through this with them and help them say their part.
Next, sing the whole song for the children acapella with the actions. For the chorus, bend your elbows and swing your arms from side to side. Encourage the children to join in with the actions and with singing their part by telling them you will do it with guitar/keyboard/uke if they do a great job.
Chorus DA
When Mr Clicketty Cane,
Plays a silly game,
All the kids in the street,
They like to do the same.
You: Wash your face in orange juice
Children: Wash your face in orange juice
You: Wash your face in orange juice Children: Wash your face in orange juice You: Clean your teeth with bubblegum Children: Clean your teeth with bubblegum
You: Wash your face in orange juice Children: Wash your face in orange juice You: Clean your teeth with bubblegum Children: Clean your teeth with bubblegum You: Fix the fence with sticky tape Children: Fix the fence with sticky tape
You: Wash your face in orange juice Children: Wash your face in orange juice You: Clean your teeth with bubblegum Children: Clean your teeth with bubblegum You: Fix the fence with sticky tape Children: Fix the fence with sticky tape You: Brush your hair with a toothbrush Children: Brush your hair with a toothbrush
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