Page 4 - Music party 5-6s online
P. 4
You: Wash your face in orange juice Children: Wash your face in orange juice You: Clean your teeth with bubblegum Children: Clean your teeth with bubblegum You: Fix the fence with sticky tape Children: Fix the fence with sticky tape You: Brush your hair with a toothbrush Children: Brush your hair with a toothbrush You: Fry an egg on a slippery dip Children: Fry an egg on a slippery dip
You: Wash your face in orange juice
Children: Wash your face in orange juice
You: Clean your teeth with bubblegum
Children: Clean your teeth with bubblegum
You: Fix the fence with sticky tape
Children: Fix the fence with sticky tape
You: Brush your hair with a toothbrush
Children: Brush your hair with a toothbrush
You: Fry an egg on a slippery dip
Children: Fry an egg on a slippery dip
You: Belly flop in a pizza...
Children: (spoken) Belly flop in a pizza? Eeeeeww!!!
Repeat the whole song, accompanying on your melodic instrument.
* If at any point you find the song is taking too long, simply skip to the final verse and chorus.
7. UNACCOMPANIED SINGING*: ‘One Toy on the Trampoline’ (tune of ‘Two Teddies on a Trampoline’ written by Linda Bance)
“It’s time to play with the parachute!” Explain that first they must practice with the imaginary parachute and that if everyone listens really well then you will take out the real parachute. Sing the song and move your arms up and down in time with the pulse.
No toys on the trampoline, Boing, boing, boing, boing. No toys on the trampoline, Boing, boing, boing.
Repeat the song, but the group holds the edges of the real parachute, moving it up and down to the pulse. “If everyone listens well I will put some toys on top.” Place one soft toy or finger puppet on top and sing:
One toy on the trampoline, Boing, boing, boing, boing. One toy on the trampoline, Boing, boing, boing.
Add a second toy on top and sing “Two toys...” Repeat for up to ten toys. Then place as many soft toys and finger puppets as you have (so there are up to about 20 all together) on top and sing “Lots of toys on the trampoline etc.”. Don’t worry if they fall off. They always do!
8. DANCE*: ‘The Hokey Pokey’ performed by Evokids
Make sure everyone is in a circle. Play the track and perform the well-known dance moves. The dance is simple and most of the children will know it so there is no need to go through the moves first. During the instrumental section please lead the children in riding their ‘imaginary’ horses or ponies around the room. Please ensure that you leave enough time to get back into a circle before the start of the next verse.
9. UNACCOMPANIED SINGING: ‘Here is the Beehive’ (traditional)
“Let’s see if you can guess what the next song will be about.” Reach into your sparkly magic bag. Wiggle the bee toy around (keeping it hidden) and make a buzzing noise. “Does anyone know where the bees live?” The children collect some bees up from the floor and put them into one of their hands, which will be the beehive. They shake their beehive (fist) to the pulse during the first three lines. During the last line they pop out one finger at a time as they count to five and then find a friend to tickle as they make a buzzing bee sound.
Here is the beehive, where are the bees? Hidden away where nobody sees.
Here come the bees now, out of the hive. One, two, three, four, five. Bzzz!
Collect up some "old, slow, lazy bees" and perform the song slowly. Collect up some "young, quick, busy bees" and perform the song quickly.
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