Page 16 - Term One Drama Lesson Plans
P. 16

* Running time approx. 3 mins.
6. Create the story
See weekly drama activity break down for instructions.
Opening lines: “Lina had incredibly long legs which made her a very fast runner. So one day, she decided to chase a cheetah through the jungle.”
* Running time approx. 4 mins.
7. Act out the story
See weekly drama activity break down for instructions. *Running time approx. 5 mins.
8. Moving around the room: ‘The Walking Song’ performed by Peter Combe
The children are standing. Ask a volunteer to remind you of their favourite body part (as told during the Name Game at the beginning of the lesson). Lead the children in tying an imaginary rope to the suggested body part. Tell them to imagine that a friend is pulling on the rope. Then, walk around as though a friend is pulling you by a rope so the children copy. Repeat using body part ideas from two more volunteers.
Play the music and lead the children in walking around the room as though a rope is tied to one of the suggested body parts and someone is pulling on the rope. Start by using the ideas given by the volunteers but then choose the body parts yourself. Remember to act out tying the rope to the new body part each time before you start to move around.
*Running time approx. 3 mins.
9. Travel back to the real world and give out magic sparkles
See weekly drama activity break down for instructions. * Running time approx. 3 mins 45 secs.
 © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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