Page 24 - Pre-school Dance Plans Term Four
P. 24

One, two, three,
When Mr Clicketty Cane, plays a silly game, All the kids in the street,
They like to do the same.
Wash your face in orange juice (wash your face in orange juice). Clean your teeth with bubble gum (clean your teeth with bubble gum).
One, two, three,
When Mr Clicketty Cane, plays a silly game, All the kids in the street,
They like to do the same.
Wash your face in orange juice (wash your face in orange juice). Clean your teeth with bubble gum (clean your teeth with bubble gum). Brush your hair with a toothbrush (Brush your hair with a toothbrush).
One, two, three,
When Mr Clicketty Cane, plays a silly game, All the kids in the street,
They like to do the same silly game.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
8. Working with Props: ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go’ performed by Wham!
“It’s time for us to get ready using our magical scarves.” Hand each child a scarf, play the music and act out the following story.
a) Rollaroundinyourbedasyouwakeup(cuddlingscarfasthoughit’sateddybear)
b) Sit up and yawn
c) Stand and stretch up high (stretching scarf out wide with both hands)
d) Make your bed (using scarf as bedding)
e) Eatbreakfast(pretendingscarfistoast)
f) Have a bath (using scarf as a sponge and then as a towel to dry yourself)
g) Get dressed (pretending scarf is various items of clothing)
h) Comb hair (using scarf as brush)
i) Brush teeth (using scarf as toothbrush)
j) Pack bag (laying scarf on the ground and placing various imaginary items on top)
k) Put bag on back and skip to nursery (holding scarf over shoulder as a bag)
*Running time approx. 5 mins.
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles See term four lesson one.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
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